

I am always looking for new illustrators and new ideas so please do get in touch.* I commission a small list of picture books, and we only have one or two free slots a year. However, if I like what I see, I will always try to place the work, and will pass your submission onto other art directors in the industry.

Many submission aren’t suitable for the list. Whilst it’s fun to see the different varieties of work, it pays to do a little bit of research first and to target the right home for your work. The top things I look for in a portfolio are:

  • engaging and believable characters (this is at the heart of a good picture book)

  • the ability to draw characters in a good range of expressions and poses

  • a contemporary artwork style with a good colour palette (this is what will capture my attention)

 * I’m not able to reply to all submissions, but I really enjoy seeing your work.

TRY this course!

 Illustrating for Children’s Books: Over 5 weeks, you will learn what is needed to create a brilliant children’s picture book. Together, Lilla Rogers (amazing art agent) and I provide everything you need to launch your career as a children’s book illustrator. It’s full of practical advice and insider tips from two industry professionals and it will leave you with a clear understanding of what it takes to make it in the industry. To find out more about this course, and the rest of Lilla’s art programme, click the link below. 
